Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Lockdown diaries - week 3 😴

I really don't know where this week went, I don't know what I did, what day is it? Where am I?

Day 15 (Tuesday 7th) - we stretched and went for a run (faster but my legs hurt), breakfast and Friends, I repotted a plant and took some cuttings, did my week 2 recap blog post, spoke to my grandma on the phone, knitted, did a newspaper puzzle, ate fish and chips for dins followed by pavlova! Ed and I had a cosy duvet on the sofa reading sesh (I'm reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society) followed by some more Friends.

Tom the comforter

Day 16 (Wednesday 8th) - prayer with Ed (after a lie in cos I was up until 2am writing a blog post lol), Friends brek, knitted, tidied, watered my leafy plants, bought a washing machine (I am an adult!), recorded worship songs with Ed, soup lunch, made collages, spoke to Elli and Imogen on the phone, leftovers for dins with The Hairy Bikers on tv, then it was time for our 2nd house group via zoom! Was very funny. Then Ed and I watched videos of ravens speaking. 

Day 17 (Thursday 9th) - woke earlier than usual and had a shower, Dad made us scrambled eggs, did a newspaper crossword (didn't complete it), photographed my corvid collages (see my @handmadebethany instagram hehe), did another newspaper puzzle and listened to a podcast, collected pictures of Alice for a blog post, ate lunch in the sunny garden, Ed and I made sourdough and put it to prove, did an 8 mile bike ride which was wonderful, spicy curry and crumble for tea, tv, Ed and I watched Tales From Earthsea whilst our bread proved some more and then baked and we finally got to eat some at about 1.30am. Woof.

Day 18 (Friday 10th) - overslept lol, Good Friday Service at 10am, ate sourdough for breakfast, did some colouring in my Downton Abbey book, listened to a podcast, paid my car tax, ate a sausage sandwich for lunch, fixed my dungarees which I ripped the other day, we went for a walk in the sun and brought bread and mealworms to feed the birds and squirrels, we saw a terrapin! Ed and I made yum roast pork and veg for tea then ate Biscoff cheesecake, we watched Gardeners' World and then Interstellar.

Nice sunrise light before I went back to sleep 

Day 19 (Saturday 11th) - went for a run (first one without an extra layer over my t-shirt), bacon and egg sarnies for breakfast, phoned my family and it was what I needed, recorded worship with Ed, made my Alice blog post, ate the last of the sourdough, knitted whilst watching David Attenborough, it rained for the first time in ages! Ate yum pasta and greek salad whilst Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was on the tv, then we watched Captain Corelli's Mandolin with Dad's homemade chocolate cake.

Didn't take any pics worth mentioning today, have a selfie 

Day 20 (Sunday 12th) - brekkie and Friends, Easter Sunday livestream at 10.30am, knitting, soup lunch, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was on tv so we tuned in, zoom called Ed's family and then called my siblings, ate dinner and watched Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, then Food Unwrapped and we ate chocolate cake. Ed and I started The Nest.

Sleeping on my lap during church

Day 21 (Monday 13th) - went for a run and saw a heron and some ducklings, ate marmite toast for breakfast, Dad made some nice fruit juice, watched Friends, basically sat on the sofa all day, knitted, did a BjΓΆrk blog post, watched The Nest, spoke to my grandma on the phone, ate an omelette for tea, watched Mastermind and University Challenge (felt dumb lol), and then finished The Nest.

Extra notes:

  • As you might have noticed, this week has involved a lot more sitting on the sofa and watching tv, it's like the motivation I had in week 1 is slowly decreasing and turning to sluggishness, but that's ok, I'm knitting as I sit.
  • Knitting is my main project at the moment, I'm trying to complete a blanket I've been slowly working on for about 5 years.
  • The more I go running the more I hate running, we've been going roughly every other day these 3 weeks and it's still boring and I still have asthma.
  • This was the weirdest Easter, apart from the church livestream and the eating of chocolate eggs it just felt like another day in lockdown. 
  • I dowloaded a disposable camera app on my phone, I used to be against them but I got over my snobbishness and took some cool pics of my plants.

Ok goodbye.

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