Monday, 9 November 2020

An unseasonably mild November walk 🍄

Yesterday Ed and I decided to drive up to Dartmoor and go for a walk somewhere new to make the most of a dry November afternoon. We ended up having a good old explore and took so many nice pictures that I thought they deserved a post of their own. 

Rosehips that look like little Christmas decorations.

I tucked the moss in my hat for safekeeping.

I managed to catch a falling leaf.

I really wanted to explore this old shack but it was fenced off with danger signs...

One of the best sights was a couple of these magical fairy mushrooms (fly agaric), we were very excited! They just don't seem something straight out of a storybook. Apparently the mushrooms that Alice eats in Wonderland were based on fly agaric because of their hallucinogenic effects...🍄✨ needless to say we didn't try any.

A perfect clearing for a picnic one day.

We sat and had coffee from a flask on this bench.

We were glad to catch the golden Autumn colour before all the leaves fall off and Winter sets in.....we are definitely going to go back to this spot as there is so much more to explore! What a dreamy way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

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