Sunday, 10 February 2019

A document of some days

From Monday 28th January to Friday 1st February I felt compelled to record my life in a blog post. But it felt weird just posting some plain writing so I printed it out on tracing paper (my fave thing) and scanned it back in. Now it feels more like a project.

This mini project documents some good times with friends and some exciting and unexpected snow! I like to appreciate the minutiae of life. The week also felt significant because I'd decided to change my life and get into a new healthy routine, it lasted for a week and then came our busy CU events week so the routine had to change a bit. But I'm feeling good about getting up early, praying and bible-ing, and stretching before I get on with the day, and also *trying* to sleep earlier at night. I've also managed to go for a run every week so far this year (apart from last week). Plus I gave up instagram and youtube for two weeks, kind of randomly. I was just feeling Very Meh and needed a reset so getting rid of those distractions helped me to stick to my routine and give my brain some breathing space. I feel refreshed now.

P.S. My art has taken a different direction in the last few weeks so I hope to update the blog with some things soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I love this! It looks so cool!! I do a similar documenting thing on my side blog (typing up snippets of each day) and then I physically record daily entries in a journal. I'm the same way, obsessed with the little things and tiny joys. Love that you took a social media fast. And totally relate to wanting to carve out more time for prayer, the Word, running, rest. On the exact same page in this season of my life with everything you listed! Loved this post and can't wait to see what other artwork you share on the blog in the future. :) <3

    P.S. Two thumbs up for C.S. Lewis! And two more thumbs up for ABBA conversations. :)
