Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Some thoughts with images of animals and angels

My sister got me these nice cut outs for Christmas. They're very cute and nostalgic. Almost as soon as I saw them I knew that they would be perfect for some funky scanner collage wiggly image artworks.  I love the surreal, floatiness of scanner pics, and I love how they capture the details of skin and hair. They are fun because you can never quite tell how they will turn out, I think these will look really cool printed out on transparent paper.

Amidst the chaos the lion's pained expression remains fixed.

Wiggly fingers.

The bear was whispering secrets in my ear.

A personal favourite, I look like the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

I'm still finding my feet with this blog, going with the flow but also wanting to challenge myself to put content out regularly. Something that I have grasped/discovered/rediscovered recently is that creativity and inspiration come in waves. I am trying to make the most of the times when I feel abundantly creative, and also embrace the stagnant times too because it's not sustainable to be productive all the time. It's a cycle, we see it in nature and we don't expect the flowers to bloom all year round. One thing I'm going to try and do from now on is to help my stagnant self out by storing up ideas when I'm feeling like my inspired self. Like storing up nuts for winter, or like in the bible when Joseph stored up all the grain in the years of plenty so they had enough during the years of famine. Nice analogy. But yeah, I guess that's just the struggle of the creative...exciting.


Soundtrack to writing this post: 
  • Aurora - All My Demons Greeting Me As a Friend

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