Friday, 11 January 2019

Unlikely Style Icon: Christina Cook Lee 🌈

I would like to kick off my blogging come back with the first part in a series I'm going to call Unlikely Style Icons, because let's face it, we don't all get our fashion inspiration from Vogue and Instagram influencers. For me at least, it's found in places a little more...spontaneous and unexpected. Like, for example, a playlist of 72 catchy as heck children's Sunday school songs featuring an abundantly enthusiastic lady wearing every single colour of the rainbow with a beaming smile and this fantastic blonde bob hairstyle. Hi, Christina, if you're reading this, you are my new muse.

I can't get enough of this colour scheme. Not just her outfits but the whole wall setup behind her, it's iconic. As far as I can find out through my intensive internet research, the original VHS tapes of these videos were published in 1999, so I was 2, that probably explains why it all feels so nostalgic. I remember having a similar sort of thing on VHS as a child.

The songs are all grouped into different chapters, and for each chapter she is wearing a different coloured top...genius...inspirational. Yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, and then red for the Christmas songs. Excuse the low-quality Youtube screenshots, but it appears that I have a very niche special interest here, not many pics exist online lol. 

Wouldn't the world be a much happier place if we were all a little bit more like Christina (or at least her Praise in Motion persona)? Not just in our sartorial choices, but in our whole lives. Let's approach each day with a smile so big our cheeks hurt by the time we go to bed at night and let's make time to dance and sing. I'm kind of joking, but also a bit serious.

I'll leave you with my personal favourite Praise in Motion banger (if my family are reading this, you'll know which one it is πŸ˜‰), it's an absolute bop. 

And also one more that I just discovered, it's about a cat so it's important that I share. 



  1. First off, this is a genius feature idea! Style inspiration can come from the most unexpected of places, and I love that! Second, looks at Christina Cook Lee go! She's so cool. Digging the bright colors. And these songs are actually kind of catchy???

    1. Thank you! Yes, but watch out, they have a way of getting stuck in your head non-stop!
