Monday, 5 September 2022

Hello Jethro πŸ‘‹

Last time I posted here I looked like this:

Then this happened:

And now we look like this:

Well, to cut a (very) long* story short, on 31st July little baby Jethro made an entrance into the outside world. He eventually came via c-section which was honestly such an enjoyable experience despite being very different to everything we planned for or expected! After 42 weeks and a further 36ish hours of labour we were just ready for him to arrive by whatever method! He is five weeks old now and we are settling happily into our new life πŸ‘ͺ🐈 lots of challenges of course but we've made it this far!

* so long that it took me 21 pages to write it all out in my journal lol

I often used to write these posts with a cat on my lap, well today I am attempting this one-handed with a sleeping baby in the other arm πŸ˜„ I am looking forward to the day when I can enjoy cat and baby at the same time but we haven't quite reached that point yet!

This was Juniper the day before we went into hospital,  it was like she knew what was coming and wanted one last snooze on the bump: 

This was how we left her the morning we went in (thinking we might be home the same day but ended up being away for 4 days!)...

Nowadays she is still quite wary of the baby but seems to have adjusted to the change. She isn't as terrified as I worried she'd be, she's just not a fan of him quite yet! Occasionally she'll come for a curious sniff but as soon as he makes even the smallest noise she leaves the room πŸ˜† I'm hopeful they'll be friends one day though.

She doesn't mind the messiness of my desk!

I was going to leave it there as a short, sweet baby introduction post but I can't resist sharing some pictures from the garden whilst I'm here! I'm sure you won't mind 🌻 

Our makeshift fruit cage did the trick and we have a nice haul of berries saved up in the freezer, we're planning to make muffins with them soon...


Despite the heatwave/drought/preoccupation with baby, our garden has been quite productive! The only thing that definitely failed was our sweetcorn sadly 🌽😒 but we've had lots of tomatoes, 3 types of courgette, a few chillies and some crystal lemon cucumbers! πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…


Our sunflowers finally showed their faces too and are standing tall despite the strong winds we had recently! Lots of bees have been visiting them 🐝

I was very excited to achieve my motherhood dream of hanging out the washing with baby in tow 😊


As you can imagine I have about a million pictures from the past 5 weeks but I'll leave it there πŸ˜† if you need me I'll be over here doing this:

Or this or this:
